Centre for Independent Living Workshop
The Fresh Voice of Disabled People in Merton

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What We said in Pictures


Duncan listening & drawing Duncan drew the things we were talking about.Duncan drawing

These are the pictures of the thingst we felt were important in developing a new CIL in Merton:

The whole poster, individual parts below in detail

Fist of dignity banner saying make Merton Equal megaphone shouting your voice & awareness and equality training for everyone

A tree with people as

Your money, individual payments Cup of coffee with www on top for an internet cafe A scroll with constitution & legal advice written on it

A shop with one stop on its sign a group of people with a banner of Independence & Inclusion and arrows for choices, support & advocacy A bus with Transport on top of it

masks smiling and sad with drama group written under it A telephone exploding with helpline, accessing support  & PA's written around it A wheelchair user at the foot of some steps with The Social Model written under them

A circle of people with working together written under them

In Words

What does independent living mean to me?





What do I need to achieve independent living?






How could a CIL help to achieve independent living?
- What is the gap?





A solution for the gap






What could a CILs do to support disabled people to fully participate in Merton?







Priorities Short term/easier




Priorities - Long-term




For a word document version of these flipchart notes, click here , open then click on 'read only'

We will be discussing what next at the next go Forum meeting on April 1st (no Jokes!) @ The All Saints Day Centre, Wimbledon from 1pm till 2.30pm


Solidarity, Participation and Equality in Merton for Disabled People.

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